Sonntag, 10. August 2014

Linux Lifechangers

Today I want to write about the discoveries that have made my Linux life easier. What are your discoveries? Add them in the comment section. Here are mine:


to execute commands on several computers simultaneously (
ClusterSSH: type a command once - have it run on two computers


to bring your Linux shell into the browser (


to bring your Linux desktop into the browser ( No browser plugin needed!
it's a remote Linux desktop - and it's in Firefox


to copy files to or from a remote computer over the network. It is possible whereever ssh connectivity is possible, so, mostly between two Linux computers. Its use is quite simple:
scp file user@remotehost:/folder
scp user@remothost:/folder file


to share a desktop. Give your trainees a training over the web, show them your desktop and how you do your work. Get support, show some support engineers where you struggle. Also, get training and give support. Record what you do on your desktop in a video. I describe how I get it running under Linux here:


to get a Linux server provisioned in less than 5 minutes. Your fee is calculated by the minute. Similar: Amazon Web Services.

Send a program to the background

How often have you started a program in a shell and then wanted to start the next program with the current program still running? The solution is to send the program to the background:

  • stop it with the key combination CTRL_Z
  • resume it in the background with the command



to publish content on the web and be able to edit it with a browser. And to track your changes:


to find out what a program does and to find out where is passes most of its time. I blogged about it.

See also

Raspberry Pi, test my internet connection

Since start of Corona times, I use my internet at home also for work. So its reliability and performance has become crucial. Performance see...